workers compensation reviews
Our team of medical professionals has decades of experience providing workers’ compensation and personal injury case reviews for local municipalities, insurance companies, and third-party administrators. We currently review and author thousands of workers’ compensation reports a year. These include cases of presumptive cancer for firefighters and on-the-job injuries for fire and law enforcement. We have multiple Designated Doctor trained/certified staff members and know how to navigate this complex process.
In addition to return-to-work exams, we frequently work with insurance adjusters and team members’ private physicians to determine appropriate risk when returning to work. Through functional assessments, we determine progress and quantify risk for the individual and the department. We also serve as a liaison between the department and the team member’s treating medical providers. There are also times when a team member’s medical conditions are so serious, they must be prevented from returning to full duty. Our risk management process helps determine when this must happen and if further recovery or material improvement would not be expected. This helps facilitate the appropriate conversations for long-term medical decision planning.

department physician services
Between annual examinations, medical questions — regarding everything from minor issues to injuries or even serious illness — often arise. For a nominal fee, you can gain access to our medical team for consultations. All questions are directed to Front Line’s doctors, PAs, and specialists, providing departments with an additional level of medical support.

return to work examinations
We offer return to work examinations that evaluate public safety professionals prior to returning to full duty from extended absences. This ensures the person is protected from further injury, and the department is protected from unnecessary or prolonged modified duty recommendations. The purpose of these exams is to be a third-party, honest broker between the department and the employee.
Our medical directors and psychologists are frequently called upon to provide expert witness testimony. This places Front Line Mobile Health in the unique position to offer aggressive physical examinations that protect the department and the public safety professional from the pitfalls usually associated with on-the-job injuries.

Behavioral and medical health workshops
Because public safety personnel are often inadequately supported in the struggle against job-related stressors that lead to poor sleep, depression, anxiety, and suicide, we offer on-site workshops to help team members process the emotional trauma of the job. All workshops are presented by our staff psychologists, licensed counselors, and medical professionals.

commands and general staff services
Senior leaders in the public safety sector face critical, high-stakes decisions similar to that of high-ranking officers in the U.S. military. However, leaders in the military have access to General Staffs, comprised of carefully selected and trained staff officers to analyze the current environment and provide sound recommendations, ensuring organizational leaders can study and solve the most vexing issues of the day.
Front Line offers access to highly trained, carefully integrated, and respected general staff officers necessary for consistent operational success in a dynamic and complex environment.